welcome |
Welcome to Kiddo’s Extrascolar Online resource for families. Here you can gain access to the different themes, vocabulary, and content used in our English courses taught throughout the acadmic year with your children. We hope you find it useful! OBJECTIUS GENERALS DE L’ACTIVITAT: A través de cançons, jocs i moviment, els nens i nenes es familiaritzzen amb l’anglès d’una manera divertida. Pretenem que es familiaritzin amb la llengua i l’accent, perdin la por a utilitzar una llengua que no és la materna i que la utilitzin de manera adequada al context.
hello song |
goodbye SONG |
weather SONG |
fall trimestER
Froggy´s Lilypad: COUNTING
Weeks 1 & 2 |
Under the rainbow: COLORS
Weeks 3 & 5 |
Week 4 |
Fun for every body: BODY PARTS
Week 6 |
Teddy bear makes me happy/we're happy: EMOTIONS
Weeks 7 & 8 |
Crazy shapes: SHAPES
Weeks 9, 10, & 11 |
Shapes: CHRISTMAS—Merry Christmas!
Week 12 |
winter trimestER
At the farm: FARM ANIMALS
Weeks 1 & 2 |
Winter is here!: WINTER CLOTHING
Weeks 3, 4, & 5 |
Valentine's Day: TRADITIONS
Week 6 |
Little Fish: SIZE
Weeks 7 & 8 |
Planes, trains & automobiles: TRANSPORTATION
Weeks 9 & 10 |
My little eatery: FRUIT
Weeks 11 & 12 |
Easter: TRADITIONS—happy Easter!
Week 14 |
spring trimestER
In the jungle: WILD ANIMALS
Weeks 1 |
We are all happy!: FEELINGS
Weeks 2 & 3 |
Under the sea: SEA ANIMALS
Weeks 4 & 5 |
In the garden: VEGETABLES
Weeks 6 & 7 |
Summer is here: SUMMER CLOTHING--Have a great summer!
Weeks 8 & 9 |